Tilted Joins the BNBChain Airdrop Alliance: Get Ready for 6MIL $TILT Airdrop




Tilted’s Level 3 Airdrop Campaign

Welcome to Tilted’s exciting Level 3 Airdrop Campaign, where you can earn points and claim your share of the 5,400,000 Tilted Tokens! Get ready to dive into the action-packed world of Tilted and unlock exclusive rewards by completing various tasks and bringing your friends along for the ride.

Campaign Period:

  • The campaign kicks off on June 14th and runs through September 4th.
  • Winners will be announced on September 11th.

Action Category 1 – Join our Community!

  • Create Tilted Account (Inclusive Task): Get started by creating your Tilted account and earn 20 Points. Join our vibrant community of gamers and enthusiasts!
  • Mint a common platform NFT within Titled System: Dive deeper into the Tilted universe by minting a common platform NFT and earn 100 Points. 

Action Category 2 – Be the first to shop our store!

  • Tilted Marketplace is a place for game items:
    • List an Item: Be one of the pioneers to list an item on the Tilted Marketplace and earn 200 Points. Showcase your gaming treasures to the world!
    • Buy an Item: Explore the diverse offerings on the Tilted Marketplace and make a purchase to earn 400 Points. Discover unique game items and enhance your gaming experience!
    • Sell an Item: Put your gaming prowess to the test and sell an item on the Tilted Marketplace to earn 400 Points. Become a top seller and earn rewards!

After Completing any Two Transactions:

  • Mint Tilted Merchant Badge NFT: Reach a milestone by completing any two transactions and mint the prestigious Tilted Merchant Badge NFT to earn 500 Points. Showcase your expertise as a seasoned trader in the Tilted community!

Action Category 3 – Bring your friends!

  • Share your referral code with your gaming guilds and earn points:
    • Refer 10 Friends: Spread the word and refer 10 friends to earn 20 Points. Share the excitement of Tilted with your gaming community!
    • Refer 25 Friends: Expand your circle and refer 25 friends to earn 50 Points. Invite your gaming buddies to join the adventure!
    • Refer 50 Friends: Rally your troops and refer 50 friends to earn 100 Points. Build your army of Tilted enthusiasts!
    • Refer 75 Friends: Lead the charge and refer 75 friends to earn 150 Points. Become a Tilted ambassador and recruit champions to your cause!

Refer at Least 30 Friends:

  • Mint Tilted Ambassador Badge NFT: Assemble a formidable team by referring at least 30 friends and mint the prestigious Tilted Ambassador Badge NFT to earn an additional 100 Points. Lead the way and be recognized as a true leader in the Tilted community!

Point Conversion and Updates:

  • After the close of the campaign, points earned during the campaign will be tallied up and converted into Tilted Tokens. The conversion factor is based on the number of points assigned.
  • Stay updated with the latest news and announcements by following our social media channels.
  • Tutorial Blog posts will be shared closer to the campaign start to guide airdrop newcomers on their journey to claiming their rewards.

Join Tilted’s Level 3 Airdrop Campaign and embark on an epic quest to earn rewards, forge alliances, and conquer new challenges in the world of Tilted!


Tilted is humbled to join the BNB Airdrop Alliance! As a young and ambitious project, we are gearing up for our TGE in mid-August. Stay tuned for more rewards distribution news in August, and be sure to follow our X account for the latest updates!  6 Million Tilted tokens were committed to BNBChain Airdrop Alliance!

Level 1 and Level 2 actions for qualification were completed on May 15th. 

Level 1 Equal share of 300,000 Tilted tokens for qualified BNBChain users.

Level 2 Equal share of 300,000 Tilted tokens for qualified BNBChain users.

BNBChain users can check their eligibility here:


We will airdrop the token reward 2 weeks after TGE to your wallet address.


Level 3 – Tilted Airdrop – Open Invitation to All with  5,400,000 Tilted Tokens Prize Pool

The campaign will run from June 14th  to September 4th. More campaign details will be released on 27th May. Follow our X and Stay tuned!

We extend a warm invitation to all interested parties to participate in the Tilted Airdrop, wherein 5.4 million tokens are to be disbursed.  The Tilted Airdrop will be points based with the tokens to point conversion dependent on how active the participants are.  The conversion will be calculated after the close of the campaign and winners will be announced by September 11th. Payments will begin by September 18th.

Follow our X for more!


Q: How do I join Level 1 and Level 2?
A: Level 1 & 2 are for BNB holders who staked them in time for the May 15th snapshot.

Q: How do I verify I am qualified for Level 1 or Level 2?
A: You can use the link for Binance Dappbay and verify your wallet address.

Q: What is the value of the 300,000 Tilted tokens?
A: The launch price value is $15,000


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